GU272 Descendants, 1785-2000

This database provides the indexed genealogies of the descendants of the 272 Slaves sold by Georgetown University in 1838, and was produced in a partnership with the Georgetown Memory Project. This database is organized into volumes. Each volume is based on a Register-style report on the descendants of the original families. The volume name will [...]

Before the war, after the war: preserving history in Sierra Leone (EAP284)

Documents which can barely be equalled in importance for telling the Atlantic slavery story. Foremost are the Liberated African Letter Books, which record the slave ships captured by the navy patrol, list all Africans disembarked at Freetown and indicate what became of them. There are also treaties between local chiefs and the new settlement from [...]

Nineteenth century documents of the Sierra Leone Public Archives (EAP443)

Valuable documents of immense importance for research on the transatlantic slave trade and its repercussions. The original Registers of Liberated Africans who were taken off slave ships by the Royal Navy from 1808 to the 1840s document more than 85,000 individuals. In addition, there are Letterbooks which provide information on the treatment and ‘disposal’ of [...]

Preserving nineteenth-century records in the Sierra Leone Public Archives (EAP782)

Census records, police records, court records, military records, school records and demographic records of births and deaths. The material is vital to an understanding of the social and cultural structure of the world’s first post-slavery society, and the experiences of men, women and children forcibly relocated from diverse areas across West Africa. Digital copies of [...]